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Online Learning

Please find below some links and activities of learning we have covered these last few weeks in school. You can watch the videos and complete the activity in your purple homework book. Some activities will be online only.

Phonics: Watch the video and write 'm' in your book:

Phonics: Watch the video and write ‘a’ in your book

Phonics: Watch the video and write ‘s’ in your book


We have been matching and making sets of objects. You could play a game of pairs, mix your socks up and make matching pairs, make sets of objects in your house e.g. knives, forks spoons.


We have been reading stories about our feelings and what makes us feel different ways.

Talk about how you are feeling. You could draw/make a picture of one of the characters from one of the stories to show how you are feeling. You could draw things which make you feel different ways e.g. being with my friends makes me happy, broken toys make me angry.

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