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House Captains

In the last week, all of our Year 6 children were invited to put themselves forward to become a house captain. House captaincy is a responsible role that requires dedication and we are very proud of our Year 6 children, who all stood up in front of their whole house group, and gave a speech to describe their own leadership qualities. It was also very pleasing to see the children highlighting values of ‘caring for others’ and ‘setting a good example around school’ as key qualities of a captain. We have worked on the writing and delivering of speeches in class, but the children all deserve special merit for the effort they have put in at home as well. Well done all of Year 6!

We are all very proud to celebrate:

Abigail and Godswill; Joe and Maria; Zachary and Alana; Arianne and Harry; Deyana and Oliver; and Maddison and Mason, as our new House Group captains 24/25 of: St Francis, St Anthony, St Aiden, St Bede, St Cuthbert and St Oswald Houses.

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