Good Morning Year 2, we have missed you in school today but hope you have been enjoying the lovely weather.
Here are some more fun learning activities for Friday 20th September.
Maths: Sumdog
Use your log in details in the front of your reading record to log into Sumdog Maths – complete the activities on Place Value – More than and fewer than.
Extra challenge – in your red exercise book write some two-digit numbers in numerals and words
E.g. 23 = twenty-three
English: Simple sentences
Look carefully at the seaside picture. Write down the words and phrases that describe the seaside.
Don’t forget to use a capital letter for the start of each sentence, finger spaces and a full stop at the end of each sentence.
Extra challenge: Write some sentences to describe the seaside image.
Spelling: Sumdog
There are 5 more trickier ‘Red Words’ to learn to spell on Sumdog Spellings. Write these in your exercise book.
Art: Observational drawing
Find something from nature to sketch. Don’t forget to add detail and try some shading too. You might sketch a branch, a flower, a leaf or tree.