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At St Alban’s, we want to prepare our children not only for their next steps in their school journey, but also for life in the diverse world in which they live. We are committed to empowering every child in our school to be responsible and respectful citizens, who are confident, articulate and knowledgeable.


Underpinned by our Catholic and British values, we have a carefully structured, ambitious and knowledge-based curriculum for all children which is continually improving. It is clearly sequenced, progressive and has clearly defined end points. The substantive knowledge (facts/key ideas) we want the children to know is clearly identified within each subject area. The disciplinary knowledge (methods of working/action taken) enables children to make links between new learning and what they already know so they know more, remember more and can do more, over time.


Subject leaders have worked collaboratively to design short units of work for each year group which allow children to understand how their subject-specific knowledge is connected to other areas of the curriculum. In addition, coverage ensures that they are able to make effective use of transferable skills within their experiences both in and out of the classroom. Activities are engaging and meaningful, and all staff model and encourage a love of learning in safe, supportive and inclusive environments.


To help children retain what they have learned, regular repetition of information and opportunities for children to manipulate, deepen and refine their knowledge in all subjects are planned, with a focus on the correct use of vocabulary in a range of contexts.


Opportunities for children’s personal development are also woven through the curriculum. These are enriched by extra-curricular clubs, activities, visits and visitors.


All staff have high expectations and ensure that every child is offered the fundamental right that they have to a good education. This enables each individual to thrive and achieve success, thereby enjoying and excelling in the presence of God.


To find out more about our curriculum at St Alban’s, please explore the subject links or view our year group pages from the main menu.

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